Q&A with MEgan
When did you launch Byte?
We launched Byte in the spring of 2015, so the company is about 3.5 years old.
How did you come up with the idea?
After failed attempts at physical retail then direct-to-consumer meal delivery, we actually stumbled upon the idea behind Byte - which is to provide completely unattended retail for fresh food within any commercial location.
How big is your company - team, customers, and capital raised?
Byte has 30 employees, 100s of customers, and we've raised about $14M.
“When you have 4-6 hours a day of uninterrupted time and you’re surrounded by other entrepreneurs working on similar caliber problems, it’s amazing the energy and forward momentum that transpires.”
What did you come to work on at Skypad?
We are entering our next phase of growth as a company, and I needed time and space to rethink the organizational structure, team, and key milestones we wanted to hit over the coming 12-18 months. Skypad gave me an inspiring location, dedicated time, and the creative environment to do so. When you have 4-6 hours a day of uninterrupted time and you're surrounded by other entrepreneurs working on similar caliber problems, it's amazing the energy and forward momentum that transpires
How do you feel after spending a week at Skypad?
I returned from Skypad feeling incredibly clear on what I needed to execute on, and what I needed to reorient the team towards. I also came back full of energy to do so. My team was surprised by how much had been accomplished in such a short time away!
Share any “ah-ha” ideas you may have had at Skypad.
I didn't have any big "ah-ha" ideas while at Skypad. The value was really from the time away from the office, and the structured environment that facilitated good sleep, clean eating, and dedicated time to focus on my project.
If an entrepreneur friend wanted to come to Skypad, what would you say?
While it may feel like a luxury, you cannot afford to NOT take time to go deep on the high leverage projects you've had on the backburner for months. Those are the projects that will propel your team and your company forward. Physically removing yourself from the office and away from the day-to-day minutiae, and into a beautiful environment that sparks creativity is a must for the entrepreneur who is looking for the next level of growth or who is feeling stuck on a big, gnarly problem.